Uplifting Underserved Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

Supporting Breast Cancer Survivors
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A Pathway to

Wellness Wednesday

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Meet the founder: Janet Hall

In 1983, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  The journey started with a persistent rash that resisted conventional treatment which resulted in a biopsy that confirmed I had paget’s disease, a form breast cancer.  After overcoming the initial shock and  strong emotional response I started the medical treatment process with obtaining a second opinion, multiple visits to specialist, emotional counseling and final treatment when resulted in a mastectomy.   I was fortunate to overcome and survive breast cancer due to early detection, treatment and subsequent follow-up  medical visits.

Janet Hall - Founder

Mission Statement

As a cancer survivor I wanted to share my experience by raising awareness of prevention communicating the importance of mammograms and understanding signs of early detection.  The foundation’s purpose is to promote preliminary screening, healthful living, support conversations with breast cancer survivors and friends.

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Foundation Calendar

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Pampering Pink

The Janet Hall Foundation has designed a pathway to help breast cancer patients ease stress as they go through treatment and to incorporate into their day-to-day lives as survivors afterwards. “Pampering Pink Survivors” includes massages, exercise and meditation techniques, general health and wellness practices, and individualized products and services that enhance prospects for a long, full, and satisfying life after treatment. Janet, herself, is a 38 year survivor who has tailored the program for the specific needs of breast cancer patients and survivors due to the multiple stresses of the breast cancer experience.

Are you a Survivor? The foundation is here for support

We are here to help.  Fill out the form below and send to [email protected].  Your information is confidential and will not be shared outside of the organization nor without permission.

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Supporting Breast Cancer Survivors on the journey to awareness-wellness-faith-positive thinking