Uplifting Underserved Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

Feb 2 Version Pampering Pink Survivors 073021

"A big part of healing and recovery is healing the emotional and physical recovery"

Pampering Pink Survivors

The Janet Hall Foundation presents Pampering Pink Survivors to help breast cancer survivors ease stress as they go through treatment and to incorporate into their day-to-day lives. “Pampering Pink Survivors” includes massages, exercise and meditation techniques, general health and wellness practices, and individualized products and services that enhance prospects for a long, full, and satisfying life after treatment.  Massage treatments can not only relieve some of the pain but also relieve nausea and depression by nurturing the body, mind and self confidence.  Patients enjoyed facials, massages, paraffin wax treatments, and makeup application from our friends of the foundation. Our treatment soothes with skincare for patients in treatment and recovering help to combat some of the side-effects of treatment.

Pampering Pink Closet

The Foundation has put together Pampering Pink Loan closet for anyone who is going to have a mastectomy. The purpose is to collect items they may need to prepare them before the surgry and after recovery.  All items donated go directly to the patient.

Call 410-456-1356 or email at [email protected].

Spa Day - January 2023

Conversations - hosted by Pampering Pink

Check the calendar for the next Conversations by Pampering Pink 

Lets Talk - March 5, 2023