Uplifting Underserved Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

Conversations – Pampering Pink

Forest Park Clubhouse 2900 Hillsdale Rd, Baltimore, MD, United States

Pampering Pink Conversations Why Women of Color A Pathway to - AWARENESS - WELLNESS - FAITH - POSITIVE THINKING RSVP on eventbrite or call 410-456-1356 Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pampering-pink-conversations-lets-talk-why-women-of-color-tickets-538207080867 Flyer Pampering Pink Conversations Flyer - 02-2023

Celebrate Woman Golf Month

Forest Park Golf Course 2900 Hilldale Rd, Baltimore, MD, United States

Forest Park Golf Course Sign up on EventBrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/golf-clinic-in-celebration-of-womens-golf-month-tickets-580794571197?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=escb Fun Day at the golf course to support Breast Cancer Survivors Golf lessons, Vendors, Mini Massages, Give-aways and More    

Golf Clinic

Forest Park Golf Course 2900 Hilldale Rd, Baltimore, MD, United States

For more information: https://jhfppsfallgolfclinic.eventbrite.com/

Golf Clinic

Forest Park Golf Course 2900 Hilldale Rd, Baltimore, MD, United States

Save the date-More information to come